Our platform aims to enable Student Management System (SMS) vendors, Administration Management Systems (AMS) vendors and Education providers to connect their systems directly to PRISMS to provide enrolment data as required under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) legislation. At present, all interactions with PRISMS are conducted by users entering data through the PRISMS web user interface.
The PRISMS API capability will provide another avenue for Education providers registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) to interact with PRISMS and reduce the need for manual transfer of data from provider systems to PRISMS.
Vendors of SMS, AMS and Education providers with their own software, will be provided API credentials for the PRISMS API Staging environment to develop and test the APIs calls from their software into the PRISMS API Staging environment, which will be preloaded with the appropriate test data.
For production, Education providers will be provided API credentials for the PRISMS API Production Environment. Education providers’ vendors and education providers with their own software will use API credentials in their own software to communicate with the PRISMS API Production Environment.
What do we do?
We give our consumers no-cost access to PRISMS data through our APIs.
Why do we do it?
Our APIs empower partners to build innovative, Education-centred applications with the goal of reducing double data handling for Education providers and providing seamless integration of business and government processes.
What are APIs?
APIs are Application Programming Interfaces, which allow applications to send and retrieve data without having to build functionality from scratch. We publish APIs compliant with the Australian Government - National API Design Standards
Why use our APIs?
Integrating with our APIs allows you to access the most up-to-date PRISMS data with the least amount of effort. When you choose to integrate your application with one or more of our APIs, you're getting trusted and reliable access to the data you need with the highest standards for security, performance, and more.